Eyre Shellfish, South Australia


Look to innovation and you will see Eyre Shellfish is at the forefront.

Our Nursery has customized the exclusive two-phase concept to improve oyster spat growth, taking the oyster at 2mm into the raceway system where the water is a single pass system from the pristine Franklin Harbour.

This water is enriched with various custom algae breeds so the oysters grow accustomed to ocean living but have an enriched diet to help them stabilize after the Hatchery.

Then our secret being the Franklin Harbour, nature's nursery made real for Eyre Shellfish. From 3mm our oysters are moved to the Franklin Harbour, Australia’s best oyster spat water, and grow.

Eyre Shellfish bring you oysters that live the ocean currents, feed in the ocean, harden in the ocean, and shape in the ocean.

You get the best because we are Eyre Shellfish!

Website by WizzIT Computer Services, Port Lincoln · https://www.wizzits.com.au
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